Many of the details of Ben Schwartz’s life are mentioned and explained on the appropriate pages of Because they do not bear repeating, this biography is of a very general nature:
Benjamin S. Schwartz was born in September 1988 in Providence, RI. At the age of 4, Ben’s life was rendered permanently chaotic with the addition of two siblings—twin brothers named Alex and Jordan. Alex is a clay sculptor and Jordan is a LEGO builder.
Ben attended Brown University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, with an additional concentration in AB Economics (Double Major), in May 2010. In September 2006, Ben began his first year at this school on the East Side of Providence, RI. Incidentally, Brown is the closest university to Ben’s front door, and driving time between the two rarely exceeds ten minutes. In fact, Brown is closer to Ben’s house than his high school!